How to Master Branding, Public Relations, & Social Media
I reveal all the secrets I've used on international brands. Nearly a decade of experience in 2 hours. Enroll now.
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This Udemy course has been taken over by over 2,000 students around the world. LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 2015Learn EXACTLY what I've taught international brands like McDonald's and evian... in only 2 hours!Gain the skills major brands have paid hundreds of thousands for. Quickly and easily.Over 2,000 students have already learned what took me almost a decade to develop.Have you heard of my "Branding, Public Relations and Social Media Secrets?"I've been working with international brands for almost a decade. And this course highlights what REALLY works.It has taken me years to find out what really works... and now these tactics are revealed here for the first time.I make over $7,000 a month with private clients teaching them these very tactics - but you can gain my secrets for a fraction of the price.When I first started my career in marketing, I was making a measly $30,000 a year. As a former Marketing Director, I made triple that -- and even more once I started freelancing. This is because I know what REALLY works when it comes to branding, public relations, and social media. And you can too.I know what works. My CV and current consulting practice proves it. Check out some of the free lectures below as a sample.Every single tactic I reveal in this course is easy enough to implement in minutes - and you can see your brand change instantly.Nothing is kept secret - I'm revealing everything I know... and as I work with my clients, I'll unveil even more up to date tactics. And you pay NOTHING EXTRA for this ongoing content.Plus, Udemy has a 30 day guarantee. And you have my personal guarantee that in 2 hours, you'll be amazed at how much you'll learn... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have a brand but haven't mastered branding, public relations, and social media.What this is course IS NOT:I do not cover anything you can freely find anywhere else online. I present to you real tactics I've used for major, international brands that I've worked with for close to a decade.I will not "look at your brand" and "tell you what's wrong". Every brand is different - and it would be reckless to advise you through a course. But I will help you build a rock solid foundation that EVERY brand I've worked with needed when I began working with them. This is something you need.I won't teach you any underhanded tricks, black hat marketing techniques, or how to write clickbait - I value my skills and I want to value your brand by giving it REAL potential to be amazing.But, if you want my real "insider" information - remember that I went from a lowly $30k a month salary to over triple that amount when I worked with agencies (I now make well over 5x that as a consultant) - so you need to get this course now... right this minute.Every minute you delay, you're actually LOSING money...Enroll now!