
Career Mind Mastery: Discover Brand You

You are unique. Let's find out how! Angela & Tom help you on how to brand yourself.

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Out of 7.5 billion people in the world, you are unique.  You add value in some way… whether you are aware of it or not. When you discover how you add value, you put your future in your own hands.  You accelerate your career goals. This “Career Mind Mastery: How to Brand Yourself “course on Personal Branding has some very cool tools and ideas to apply right away to the idea of discovering your brand, finding out what's special about you, what makes you tick. Enjoy! Tom & Angela In this “Career Mind Mastery: How to Brand Yourself” program, you’ll learn: A formula to quickly assess your Unique Promise of Value.  How to use your personal brand to introduce yourself. Best of all… you’ll find out how to go from average to memorable. "In the new world of work, cultivating your individual brand, your ‘saleable distinction’, is not optional." ~Tom Peters Take this ultimate Career Mind Mastery course now and learn how to brand yourself. Photo by Kieran Doherty - © 2012 Kieran Doherty Photography</p>