Practical Statistics for The User Experience I
Are your designs statistically significant? A Practical Online Course for using stats in User Experience (UX)
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Measurement is important but statistics can be intimidating. In this Practical Statistics for User Experience (UX) Course we will present approachable concepts and lots examples for generating statistical solutions to common questions in user research. The presentation includes many graphical representations and a "What test do I use?" decision tree.Is Design A more usable than Design B? Do more users convert on the new design? Is our Net Promoter Score statistically better than last year?Learn to use and interpret the right statistical tests on small and large sample user-data using just Excel. We will cover:Sampling FundamentalsThe Normal DistributionConfidence IntervalsComparing Means and ProportionsUnderstanding what statistical test to perform and how to perform itInterpreting p-valuesReporting and Explaining Statistical Significance to StakeholdersMaking better decsions with data and understanding uncertainty and risk This course is course number E 60.2 from a comprehensive curriculum on User experience (UX) currently under development at The Online User eXperience Institute (OUXI).