
Logo, Header and Image Basics for Online Business/Wordpress

Tactics for the beginner to cut the crap and launch an idea, not work with a designer. How-to, tips, and tricks.

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Familiar with these stopping points in launching or updating your website? "I need a header, still waiting on my graphic designer" "I don't have a logo yet, I'm working on that" "My sales page has no graphics, my website is bland..." These all seem like graphic designer things that cost $100-1000 each, but let's cut the crap, you need to launch, now... this WordPress for Designers course is about the tactics to get you a working logo, header, and sales page images so you can move beyond that "stuck" point, WITHOUT a graphic designer, and without tons of time invested. In this WordPress for Designers course we will learn WordPress tips and tricks and how-to instruction in the form of resourceful websites, text and video instruction that will be invaluable as an online entrepreneur. This course will erase the excuse that you MUST have a graphic designer to move forward.</p></p></p>