Introduction To Story Boarding
Learn the language of film while mastering drawing to achieve great Story Boards for the inner Story teller in you.
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This course is about learning the craft of storyboarding for animation artists, filmmakers, game design artists, graphic designers and people interested in learning how the storyboarding process affects the film, game and design work you may be doing. In this course you can find lectures, video demonstrations and PDFs that will help further the information provided in each session. You may be able to complete the lectures in a 1 week time period but I would encourage going back over the material as many times as you like until you have mastered the information provided. Plus, there will be ongoing discussions between students and myself to help build the independent animation, game and film communities. This course is structured in sessions that consist of lectures. The students will need to watch or listen to the lectures provided and work alongside the demonstrations to help them follow the information provided. You will in some sessions be asked to read PDF materials provided in the sessions. Considering the possibility of a high volume of students, I will try my best to answer most of the questions and give feedback when I host live sessions. I also plan on scheduling live sessions with industry professionals so that you get a clearer understanding of the techniques used here. By taking this course in Intro to Storyboarding, you will gain the foundations of a visual storyteller. The goal here is to insure that the people who sign up will learn to use industry methods to further enhance the stories they would like to tell. I would like to help create new storyboard artists for filmmaking, game design, photography for narratives, and graphic design by adding some proven creative storytelling skills to their visual work.