
Introduction to Medical Terminology

You will be able to identify the word components, i.e. prefixes, suffixes, and word roots used in medical terms.

3.4 (8)
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This is a self-paced class. Medical terms generally are comprised of a family of prefixes, suffixes, and root words that combine in multiple ways to form the language of medical terminology. A student who understands the meanings of these terms can typically “translate” any basic medical term to derive its meaning. This is a basic course covering the fundamentals of medical terminology used in the science and health science fields. It is ideal for any student who has little or no background in medical terminology, but who requires a basic grasp of the subject in order to communicate with nurses, physician’s assistants, physicians, and other medical professionals. It is also ideal as a review course for persons returning to school or the workplace after a prolonged absence. The terminology covered relates to bodily systems, anatomical structures, medical diagnoses and procedures.